Welcome, and thank you for visiting First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Durham online. We are a congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America and are committed to testifying to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in Durham and the greater Research Triangle area. We are a church committed to worshiping the Lord according to His word, giving of ourselves for the benefit of one another, and living lives of open repentance.
We hope that our website will give you a sense for who we are and what we believe, and will encourage you to join us in worshiping and serving our Lord Jesus Christ.
Worship and the Lord's Day
Lord's Day (Sunday) Morning Service begin at 10:30 AM, followed by a fellowship meal at 12:30 PM, Afternoon Worship Service at 2:00 PM, and Prayer Meeting at 3:00 PM.
*The Lord's Supper is observed each Lord's Day. The Lord's Table is open to (1) members of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America in good standing, (2) as well as visitors who have been interviewed by the session. Please arrive before 10:15 AM if you desire to be interviewed by the Session for admission to the Lord's Table. Visitors who either are not members of the RPCNA or who have not been admitted by the elders to the Lord's Table are asked to refrain from the Lord's Supper. To learn more on our denomination's practice of fencing the Table (commonly called Session-Controlled Communion), please see This Pamphlet.
Our Wednesday Evening Bible Study begins at 7:00 PM. Please contact us about other ongoing studies throughout the week.
Following worship each Lord's Day morning, we have a fellowship meal (where families bring food to share with one another) so that we can engage with one another and enjoy the companionship that is fostered by sitting together at the table to eat.
Services are held at 1316 Watts Street, Durham, NC 27701. We are located northwest of downtown Durham, near the Duke East Campus and can be easily reached from I-85. Our building is handicap accessible.