Scriptures and Theology - online versions of the Scriptures
Westminster Confession of Faith & RP Testimony
Denominational Resources
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America
Great Lakes-Gulf Presbytery Directory
Crown & Covenant - The publishing arm of the RPCNA
Geneva College and the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary - The Educational Institutions of the RPCNA
Applied Theology
Christ-Centered Voting - a booklet on how the Mediatorial King-ship of Christ biblically and practically impacts the Christian's views regarding voting and politics.
The Blessedness of Christ's Mediatorial Kingship Pamphlet
Singing the Psalms
The Book of Psalms for Worship – This is the Psalter that we use for worship at First RPC of Durham.
The Treasury of David by Charles Spurgeon
A Pamphlet on Exclusive Psalmody and Colossians 3:16
A Pamphlet on the Psalms as the New Songs We Are Commanded to Sing in the Scriptures
A Pamphlet on Psalm Singing and Semper Reformada
A Pamphlet on the Victory of Christ in the Psalms
A Pamphlet on Singing without Instruments in New Covenant Worship
Family Worship Resources
The Westminster Directory for Family Worship
Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible
Family Worship Bible Guide - Reformation Heritage Books
I Love the Lord's Day, Robert M. M'Cheyne Pamphlet
A Pamphlet on Making Diligent Use of Prayer
A Pamphlet on Making Diligent Use of Preaching
Why Should Children Be in Public Worship? Pamphlet
Proverbs 5: Raising Children in the Covenant Pamphlet